Seeing the balance between conscious and unconscious behaviour ... it all becomes so, so the well known romanian author Adrian Dumitru

I look around myself ... and I analyse everyone.

But most ... i analyse the love stories.

... especially the weird love stories.

I actually try to understand our conscious and unconscious behaviour.

Why we like-dislike, love-hate, have beautiful-ugly moments ....

And i can't understand ... what is really going on.

Fortunately .... more i analyse ... i start to understand that maybe all is a representation of the conscious - unconscious side.

So ... my conscious side tells me i love X, but my unconscious side also tells me that i like Y or Z.

I am in relationship with X ... but i am confused.

Yes ... cause all this confusion is a lot related to the fact that i like Y and Z.

And ... instead of acting nicely into the love story ... i start to have a confusing behaviour.


It all maybe becomes a ... nonsense.

So ... it just continues like that ... for a long, long time.

But ... now imagine you could define those thoughts in your meditations.

Or ... with your partner.

Ask ... "Why the hell you think i do love stories nonsenses?! What is the root of that?! What is the message... beyond the message?!"

In real case scenarios ... it is too difficult to do that ...

We simple can't understand this weird dance between being and acting ... consciously-unconsciously.

And .... we don't define ... anything at all.

We allow life to continue ... the way it continues.

Then ... we just complain that life itself is unfair to us.

... which is ridiculous...





Download the book ”Mr & Mrs FREUD  

in love ... but still playing psychological games - 

philosophical essays” written by the romanian essayist Adrian Dumitru for FREE. 


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